Over the Seas

During the 2019 off season, I packed my life into a very overstuffed backpack and went over to the UK & Europe for the first time. The plan was 2 months, followed by two weeks in Indonesia scuba diving with the folks. As someone who had never solo traveled before I was pretty nervous. Would I find myself completely lost and confused with no one to help? Would I manage to meet people and have a social trip? All of that. But fortunately things went off pretty smoothly, aside from a dead phone (RIP pixel, you were good to me) in a new city.

Once I got back to Aus, the travel itch was hitting pretty hard. Within a month home, I’d spied two weeks without weddings booked in and a rad wedding photography workshop run by Baly and Moore in NZ. It seemed like fate and I truely had the most wonderful time.


Bayly & Moore NZ workshop


2019: A Year in Review